Shepherd’s Song

“Know that every single shepherd has a unique tune.” (Rabbi Nachman) I created this painting inspired by the words of Rabbi Nachman of Breslove which revealed to me his special tune, which are his Torah and his words.  These are the tune that brings me to life and fills me with happiness and the strength to flourish on the journey of my life.  And Rabbi Nachman also said that every single blade of grass has its own special song and this also helped reveal my own special tune.

Each and every person has his or her own special song – their own unique essence, which only they can express in this world.  A person who listens to his or her own unique tune and brings it out into the world will merit a special type of joy and fulfillment, becoming part of the Song of Creation, full of all the varied sounds, every single person playing a unique melody in the tune of life.

Technic: Acrylic On Canvas
Original Size: 50×50 cm

Buy The Original Painting