
Meron is a community in northern Israel in the upper Galilee area, and it’s the burial place of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai – one of the greatest students of Rabbi Akiva and the creator of the Book of the Zohar. On one of my visits to Meron, after spending time in contemplation there among the mountains, I absorbed a great inspiration about the character of Rabbi Shimon, and I wondered there about the great light that descended upon the world through the Zoher which he wrote, about the revelation of truth that he brought us concerning the soul and its eternal life, about our lives here and the life beyond in the World to Come. Later, at home, I tried to apply a little of this water of inspiration, which had come to me in Meron, to the canvas and this is what emerged… may we all be blessed in Rabbi Shimon’s merit!

Technic: Oil On Canvas
Original Size: 80×70 cm

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