Gate of Mercy

I painted the “Gate of Mercy” out of the expectation to the days of Messiah and it is based on the vision of salvation as it was predicted by Isaiah the prophet, using the words: “And a wolf shall live with a lamb, and a leopard shall lie with a kid”. The meaning of these words is that in the days of Messiah we will sit safely with our enemies who are alluded to a wolf and a leopard, and we shall not be as their prey anymore. The Gate of Mercy is one of the gates in Jerusalem’s walls and it used to be the only gate that enabled access to the Temple Mount. According to Jewish tradition, at the end of days, the Massiah will walk through this gate while riding on a donkey and Eliyahu the prophet walking in front of him. Nowadays, the Mercy Gate is sealed with stones and in my painting I chose to open it with the light of salvation beaming through… May it happen in the very near future, Amen.

Technic: Oil On Canvas
Original Size: 100×100 cm

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