
The parting of the Red Sea (Yam Suf) that took place after the Exodus from Egypt was a miraculous event which symbolizes the G-dly strength to smash and overturn the laws of nature.  This is an event that in a personal way, I derive great inspiration and art, that the Creator is indeed all-powerful, and thus I learn that there is not a thing in the world that it is impossible to change.  Every difficulty and every tribulation can be untied and released. The pair of words, “Exodus from Egypt” (in Hebrew, yetziat Mitzrayim) are also a hint to me about my own personal “exodus” from difficulties (the Hebrew word for Egypt, Mitzrayim, can also be read as “metzarim,” meaning a narrow place or a difficult spot in life) and my ability to be redeemed from them. This painting of the Exodus from Egypt reminds me in a positive way that anything’s possible – and anything can happen!

Technic: Acrylic On Canvas
Original Size: 80×70 cm

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