Time of Redemption

Redemption – one of the things my soul most thirsts for, a time when peace will suffuse the world, a time of plenty and everything good.  We live at the moment in a world where lies freely abound and truth is absent, a world in which hatred exists between brothers and happiness is not complete.  King David, in the book of Psalms (Tehillim) describes for us a situation in which joy will be complete – the time of the redemption:  “Then will our mouths be filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing” (Psalms 126:2).  Although we occasionally feel good and happy now, it’s absolutely nothing compared to the true and complete joy that awaits us with the redemption. In this painting, the Temple is descending towards us from heaven and the Messiah is entering the gates of Jerusalem – may it come to pass speedily in our time, Amen and Amen!

Technic: Acrylic On Canvas
Original Size: 70×80 cm

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