Ruth and Naomi

“…Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your G-d my G-d.” (Book of Ruth) For me, Ruth is a symbol of devotion to a goal, of determination and success.  When Naomi wanted to leave the fields of Moab and return to Israel after the death of her sons (one of whom was Ruth’s husband), she instructed Ruth to return to her father’s household, but Ruth adamantly refused and insisted on following Naomi.  She refused to give up and ultimately succeeded in gaining her desire.  Naomi gave in to her and took her to Israel.  Thanks to this desire, eventually King David was born, a descendent of Ruth and Boaz. I created this painting around the Festival of Shavuot, on which the Book of Ruth is read, which is absolutely one of my favorites.

Technic: Oil On Canvas
Original Size: 70×80 cm

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