Hanukkah light

Chanukah (as well as Purim) is a holiday that is not mentioned in the Torah, but introduced by our sages and is a holiday that wishes to remind and light up the great miracle that happened to us in those days, at this time

According to the Kabalah, in the creation of the world, a great light, called the Hidden Light, was created. This is a spiritual and enormous light that God concealed from which evil men would not be able to enjoy in this world and would be revealed in the future to come for the righteous to enjoy.

On Hanukkah, this light shines a little, by the Chanukah candles.

In my painting, the Menorah emerges from the lotus flower. When the lotus flower is touched by the rays of the sun and feels its light, the flower opens up and when it is dark, the flower closes in. So are we, when the light of Torah shines our souls, we are open for divine abundance and we light up the world around us and if a spiritual darkness exists, we are get closed and do not shine on.

May we be in the light!

Technic: Oil On Canvas

Original Size: 50×70 cm

Buy The Original Painting