In the Sheep’s Footprints

“If you do not know, fairest of women, go your way in the footsteps of the flocks and pasture your kids beside the shepherds’ dwellings“. I am a great fond of this verse from the Song of Songs that its words are like a melody within the heart. And so the commentator Rashi explained: If you do not know, the fairest woman of all other nations where you should herd, how will you be saved from those who come to harm you? How will you be able to live amongst them and make sure that your sons don’t get lost with them? Look at the old ways of your fathers who received My Torah and kept My commandments and walk in their path, and as a result, you will be able to herd your young goats among other nations.

Technic: Oil On Canvas
Original Size: 70×60 cm

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