Classes & Workshops

I love sharing my love of art with others and for nearly 20 years now, I’ve taught art to children and adults. I studied art instruction through the College of Visual Arts in Beer Sheva, with further courses at Kaye Academic College of Education and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and of course, I’ve learned even more from life experience.

Even while I was still an art student, I began offering classes for children at community centers and the love story has only snowballed from there.  I believe art instruction is an inseparable part of my creation.  I love passing on the language of art and the joy of creating, and I believe this is an important part of my mission in life.  Over the years, I’ve taught art to a huge spectrum of individuals: children, youth, women, seniors, and individuals with various disabilities such as AKIM (Israeli association for intellectual disabilities) and disabled soldiers, with whom I worked for a number of years.

These days, I offer classes in painting and ceramics as well as various art workshops, working with women, children, and seniors.  I also advise women who are themselves creators who suddenly find themselves “stuck.” They can come to me so we can find a way together to release the art within them and provide access to their deep wellsprings of creativity expressed through joy.

Women study painting in my studio


“To create with Simha is easy and unique, I felt like the process of creation was coming straight from my soul, Thanks so much!”

Sivan Tabul / Yoshivia

“The class with Simha is as much a joy as her name suggests [simha means joy in Hebrew], joyous and enlightening! It was quite a process for me: at first, it was hard for me to open up and enjoy the creative flow, but with encouragement from Simha, and a little loosening up on my part, I managed to start painting and enjoying it so much!! (I also want to add that I was pregnant and after a few days, I noticed in my painting the figure that I had created was actually a mother embracing a baby.) Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity, I’m looking forward to the next time.”

Hodaya Bitan / Yoshivia

“Dear Simha: Your class was the most perfect quality time possible, both through creating and through self-expression and also delving deep within my soul. I so much enjoyed learning from you and with you, you’re an incredibly special, talented woman. Thank you!”

Ya’ara Manor / Yoshivia

“Simha is an incredibly special teacher!! I came to two workshops mainly as therapy for stresses I’d been experiencing about the security situation in the area. I got so much more than I expected, a pleasant and open place to express myself creatively while learning simple but in-depth techniques. I enjoyed every single moment and the results didn’t disappoint. I strongly recommend her!”

Yael ben Yair / Sderot

Girls create ceramics for children


“The most wonderful thing about the class was that the girls can express themselves. I see my daughter everything she creates, and it’s so easy to figure out who made what… beyond that, the girls just can’t get enough—what more could I ask for?”

Hofit Bermi / Yoshivia

“Our daughter (and our home) couldn’t be happier than after your class!! Our daughter enjoyed creating so much, bringing her creations home so proudly! We use the things she made every single day! A toothbrush stand, a candleholder, salad bowls, decorative items that adorn the library! So much happiness and wealth! Thank you so much!”

Hana Libman / Yoshivia

“Dear Simha: I want to thank you for the amazing period that my three daughters spent in your pottery class. They enjoyed it so much. Thanks for being so welcoming and patient towards them. Thanks for the awesome creations that the girls were so happy and excited to bring home after every class. And thank you very much for allowing them to express themselves in every single creation.”

Leah Gra / Yoshivia

“Simha is an incredibly special teacher!! I came to two workshops mainly as therapy for stresses I’d been experiencing about the security situation in the area. I got so much more than I expected, a pleasant and open place to express myself creatively while learning simple but in-depth techniques. I enjoyed every single moment and the results didn’t disappoint. I strongly recommend her!”

Yael ben Yair / Sderot

“In ceramics class with Simha, my daughter met a new and colorful world of creativity working with clay. The class was a fun experience for her, especially the pleasant atmosphere between the teacher and students. The work she produced is absolutely lovely and we’re all enjoying it regularly!”

Odiya Lemberger / Shuva

My methods of art instruction are unconventional, or – as they say – not “by the book.”  I provide art instruction with an emphasis on the means, on the experience of the creative process itself, rather than on the end product.  It’s important to me that students enjoy the process and remain alert to what’s going on.  Creation, as I view it, is a thrilling experience, and I want every student to learn within that space of excitement and enjoyment, not through dry technique which emphasizes results.  My deepest desire is that every student coming to me to learn how to paint will ultimately leave filled with inspiration and a drive to keep on painting, empowered with the confidence that she is capable of painting even by herself through her own ability.

Classes and workshops are normally conducted in my own studio, but I’m also willing to travel within a reasonable radius…

I invite you to get in touch to arrange a workshop or join an existing class.

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